輕井澤萬箭齊發 34、36年 雪莉單桶

輕井澤萬箭齊發 34、36年 雪莉單桶
2015 年推出的輕井澤「萬箭齊發」全景版錦盒組,採用歌川國芳的浮世繪《楠家勇士》作為酒標,刻畫了日本南北朝四條畷合戰中的三位悲劇英雄:武將楠正行、以及其家臣和田正朝、和田賢秀,他們懷著赴死的覺悟向侵略者英勇抗戰,面對傾瀉箭雨也無所畏懼。
「萬箭齊發」的錦盒組每組三瓶,分別以 1980、1981、1982 年蒸餾的三桶輕井澤原桶裝瓶,全球限量 257 組。以絕美酒款造就一幅壯麗畫作,為歷史上的勇士們獻上最深的敬意。
Karuizawa Thousand Arrows Cask #8317 56.5 abv 1980 (1 bt70)
Distilled in 1980, bottled in 2015, cask type: Bourbon Cask, one of 257 bottles, ullage: middle shoulder, in original presentation case including a Karuizawa whisky glass, 56.5 abv
Karuizawa Thousand Arrows Cask #6355 59.8 abv 1981 (1 bt70)
Distilled in 1981, bottled in 2015, cask type: Sherry Butt, one of 257 bottles, ullage: middle shoulder, in slightly damaged original presentation case including a Karuizawa whisky glass, 59.8 abv
Karuizawa Thousand Arrows Cask #2510 55.2 abv 1982 (1 bt70)
Distilled in 1982, bottled in 2015, cask type: Sherry Butt, one of 257 bottles, ullage: middle shoulder, in original presentation case including a Karuizawa whisky glass, 55.2 abv
